Archive for May, 2007


Destination Infinity – Debut Blog

May 27, 2007


This is destination Infinity’s debut blog. I would like to dedicate this series of blogs to slightly un-conventional ideas (Nice way of saying ONLY-Unconventional). For eg. today let us see the topic – Adversity in a slighty different light also in a slightly poetic (read horribly poetic) way.

Adversity – Gods Choice.

He is talented, he is hardworking, he is committed…
He wanted to change the face of the earth…
He was not short of zeal…
Neither courage…

He stepped in…
He believed in himself…
He believed in his hardwork and sincerity….
He thought he was on top of the world, knows everything…

He had the single minded determination…
He wanted to make a mark, show that he is the best…

He worked hard, struggled hard…
He was never short of work…
But only short of results…
God said: Not yet mate.

Sincerety, they say-dies, when you are in turbulent times…
They say you always change in the face of adversity…
They say your real character is tested when in deep misery…
They say you cannot hold on when the ground below is tearing apart…

He did…
He held on and on…
He struggled through his adversity…
He camped on fire when he could have slept in chill air…

He did not know why he did this…
Nor did he know if he had to do this…

Some thing kept telling him: Hold on mate…
He didnt know who it was or why.

There is an end to everything he thought…
There was no end visible to him though…

He was almost about to give up…
He thought success was an elusive club…

But even the elusive was his at last…

Call it luck, call it will, call it destiny.

You may like to end up the whole saga,
By saying that he was successful inspite of his adversities.

I am ending this saga,
By saying that he was successful because of his adversities.

Destination Infinity.